Live Webinar: June 10, 2020
1100 PT | 1400 ET
Great, you’ve got a compliance program in place! But it’s time-consuming to manage and it’s not exactly where you’d like it to be. With so many moving parts, it’s tough to understand where gaps exist within your control environment, and how well protected your organization is from risks that matter.
When the risk landscape changes this quickly, organizations aren’t willing to hire additional staff to focus on compliance due to tight budgets, and the burden of compliance gets heavier each year due to customer demands and new regulations, organizations are forced to take a hard look at their approach to risk management and compliance.
Sign up for this webinar with Petrina Youhan, CPA, CISSP and Peter vR Sternkopf, PMP, CEPA to hear how you can approach risk management and compliance differently, in a way that cuts down your compliance workload and improves the security posture of your organization. What’s covered:
Why is managing ongoing compliance important
Approaching compliance strategically without adding more work
Key benefits and considerations for implementing this approach to compliance, including greater oversight over risks and controls, greater agility, lighter workload, and a stronger security posture
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